Smart meters, a new lifestyle
Having an electronic meter at home means opening a door to the future. In fact, innovation reaches each and every house thanks to smart meters, advanced systems that make it easy for everyone to acquire a new lifestyle, more sustainable and simple.
Enel started introducing the smart metering technologies in the homes of consumers 15 years ago, anticipating an innovation that only recently has begun to spread in every industrialised country as well as in the most advanced emerging economies.
Technology that makes life more sustainable
A smart meter is a small digital device that replaces the mechanic meter and is found in homes and buildings, associated with users’ consumption. Its size is similar to that of traditional meters, but it goes beyond the mere measurement of energy consumption, which is what its forerunner did in the pre-digital age.
Smart grids, clean energy, sustainable mobility and energy efficiency enter our customers’ homes thanks to the innovations contained in each smart meter.
Electronic meters enable a better use of electricity and savings on daily consumption, as well as the management of electricity appliances, boilers, heating and cooling equipment and smart lighting, also remotely. They also facilitate energy self-generation by means of small renewable-fed systems, and open up our homes to the services necessary to use electric cars and to develop the Internet of Things.
So far we have installed 38 million electronic meters and under the 2016-2019 strategic growth plan we are planning on installing 30 million new ones.
Innovating for all, innovating before anyone else
With the Telegestore project we installed the first electronic meters in Italian homes in 2001, anticipating a technological innovation that subsequent regulation turned mandatory in 2006.
The smart meters that various countries are currently introducing into the homes of their users have long been a familiar presence in Italian homes, where more than 35million electronic meters have already been installed.
In 2016 we are launching a project aimed at replacing electronic meters in Italian homes, and we are planning to install 21 million new second-generation digital smart meters.
The experience gained in Italy has enabled us to introduce electronic meters also in other countries where we are present, starting from Spain.
The Telegestore project in the Iberian Peninsula, launched in 2008, aims at installing 13 million smart meters in the homes of our Spanish customers.
Our intelligent meters are the core of the smart projects we have carried out in Bouzios in Brazil and Santiago in Chile.
We have made our skills and know-how available for countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia, thus enabling them to make the technological leap necessary for the development of smart grids.