The water footprint: how to safeguard the most precious resource

The water footprint: how to safeguard the most precious resource

Measuring water consumption is about learning how to use it better and less: this is why an indicator was created that can be applied in different ways to people, industrial sectors and countries. 

Type of food Water footprint (liters per kg) Green (%) Blue (%) Gray (%)
Bread 1,608 70 19 11
Butter 5,553 85 8 7
Cheese 3,178 85 8 7
Chicken 4,325 82 7 11
Chocolate 17,196 98 1 1
Eggs 196 (for one 60 gram egg) 79 7 13
Salad 237 56 12 32
Olives 3,015 82 17 2
Oranges 560 72 20 9
Pasta 1,849 70 19 11
Pizza (margherita) 1,259 (for one pizza) 76 14 10
Pork 5,988 82 8 10
Potatoes 287 66 11 22
Rice 2,497 68 20 11
Sugar 920 62 19 19
Tomatoes 214 50 30 20
Wine 109 (for a 125 ml glass) 70 16 14
Apples 822 68 16 15
Bananas 790 84 12 4
Beef 15,415 94 4 3
Beer 74 (for a 250 ml glass) 85 6 9
Milk 255 (for a 250 ml glass) 85 8 7
Coffee 132 (for a 125 ml glass) 96 1 3