Enel Group, the 2025-2027 strategy starts a new chapter of sustainable growth and value creation through the financial solidity achieved

·         In 2024, the Enel Group (the “Group”) posted a solid performance, reflecting its ability to reach objectives in line with the Strategic Plan presented a year ago

·         In the 2025-2027 Plan period, the Group confirms its strategic pillars:

o    Profitability, flexibility and resiliency to generate value through selective capital allocation that optimizes the risk/return profile while maintaining a flexible approach

o    Efficiency and effectiveness with a continued optimization of processes, activities and portfolio of offerings, strengthening cash generation and developing innovative solutions to enhance the value of existing assets

o    Financial and environmental sustainability to maintain a solid structure, ensuring the flexibility required for growth and addressing the challenges posed by climate change

·         In the 2025-2027 Plan, Group total gross capex amounts to approximately 43 billion euros, around 7 billion euros more than the previous Plan. Specifically, the Group expects to allocate:

o    About 26 billion euros in Grids (+40% compared to the previous Plan), of which around 78% in Italy and Spain, countries characterized by regulatory frameworks that can support investments, and about 22% in Latin America

o    Approximately 12 billion euros in Renewables, adding around 12 GW of capacity, with an improved technological mix that foresees over 70% of onshore wind and dispatchable technologies (hydro and batteries), up to an overall capacity of about 76 GW and an increase of over 15% in production in 2027

o    Around 2.7 billion euros in Customers, of which approximately 85% in countries where the Group has an integrated presence, offering a portfolio of bundled solutions with energy, products and services

·         The Group plans to allocate investments proportionally across its main geographies, based on their contributions to EBITDA, with around 75% in Europe as well as about 25% in Latin and North America

·         In 2027, Group Ordinary EBITDA is expected to grow to between 24.1 and 24.5 billion euros and Group Net Ordinary Income is expected to increase to between 7.1 and 7.5 billion euros

·         The visibility on Group 2024 financial results allows for the proposal at Enel’s next Shareholders’ Meeting of an overall dividend payout of 0.46 euros per share, above the fixed minimum dividend per share (“DPS”) of 0.43 euros set in the previous Plan

·         Throughout the 2025-2027 period, the implementation of the strategic actions is expected to result in visible and highly predictable returns; on this basis, the dividend policy was revised upwards with a new fixed minimum annual DPS of 0.46 euros and a potential further upside corresponding to up to a 70% payout on Group Net Ordinary Income

Enel Strategic Plan 2025 2027

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