Barbara Tadolini


She graduated with honors in economics and business from the University of Genoa in July 1985. A certified chartered accountant and statutory auditor, she also earned the qualification as a shipbroker. After working in Genoa initially with a firm of chartered accountants and later with the tax consultancy firm associated with Arthur Andersen, she set up a firm of her own in 1991. She is currently a partner at the accounting firm Tierre, which provides business and tax advice, and carries out enterprise evaluations. She has held various roles in the field of chartered accountants, and is a member of NedCommunity (the Italian association of non-executive directors) as well as Women Corporate Directors. She has held and still holds offices on the Board of Directors and the Board of Statutory Auditors of important Italian companies. Specifically, she has been Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Tiscali, regular Statutory Auditor of Luxottica Group, Grandi Navi Veloci and Salmoiraghi & Viganò, as well as Independent Director of Fondiaria Sai, Unipolsai and Nice Footware. She is currently an independent director of Banca Monte dei Paschi di Siena and also holds the position of Chairman of the Board of Statutory Auditors of Francesco Baretto, as well as regular Statutory Auditor of Parmalat, of Euromobliare Advisory SIM, of Galbusera Biscotti, and of GB Bernucci. She has been Chairman of Enel’s Board of Statutory Auditors since May 2019.

Last update: January 27, 2025