Maura Campra

Regular Statutory Auditor

She graduated with honors in Economics and Business from the University of Turin. A certified chartered accountant and statutory auditor, she devoted herself to the academic career becoming in 2002 full professor of Business Administration at the Economics and Business Department of the University of Eastern Piedmont, where she has held several important offices (in particular as member of the university senate), chairing a master’s degree program in “Administration, Consulting & People” since 2019. She also acts as member of the advisory board of leading national journals and is the author of several scientific publications on national and international journals, where she deals with various aspects of business administration and accounting and, in particular, international financial reporting standards (IFRS), evolutive trends of non-financial information and business combinations. She is member of the Commission of the Italian accounting standard setter (OIC) overseeing international financial reporting standards, as well as of the European Taxation and Accounting in Practice (ETAP) and Euromed Academy of Business; moreover, she acted as co-coordinator of the working group dealing with financial statements and accounting standards of the Italian Society of accountancy and business economics teachers (SIDREA). She has held and still holds offices on the Board of Statutory Auditors of important Italian companies. Specifically, she has been regular Statutory Auditor of Prima Industrie, Serfactoring and Atlantia, in addition she currently acts as Chairman of the Board Statutory Auditors of Cassa di Risparmio di Asti and Regular Statutory Auditor of Pirelli. She has been a regular Statutory Auditor of Enel since May 2022.

Last update: June 3, 2024