Our strategy for sustainable progress

The Enel Group aims to increase its flexibility and competitiveness through a greater focus on resources, improved investment allocation, simplification of processes and organization, and a business model focused on sustainability that’s designed to seize the opportunities offered by a changing environment. Specifically, its strategy for 2024-2026 is based on three pillars:

  • profitability, flexibility and resilience through highly selective capital allocation aimed at optimizing the Group's risk/return profile;
  • efficiency and effectiveness as drivers of the Group's operations;
  • financial and environmental sustainability in order to pursue value creation in addressing the challenges of climate change.

Our materiality analysis and our priorities for action

A materiality analysis makes it possible to identify our organization’s most significant impacts on the economy, the environment and people.

The strategy and the Sustainability Plan

Our strategy puts sustainability at the center, contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.